SOHP Newsletter April 2021
We, here at Bioforce, would like to pursue SOHP initiative by launching its phase II.
Following the interest in the SOHP study we carried out in 2019/2020 – and the important conclusions and recommendations for professionalisation in the humanitarian sector, and depending on resources, we, here at Bioforce, would like to pursue SOHP initiative by launching its phase II including:
- Creation of an SOHP interactif website providing data and sharing initiatives on professionnalisation of humanitarians (SOHP report etc)
- Development and implementation of a “professionalisation” dashboard based on indicators on professionnalisation
- Monitoring and sharing of work carried out on the 19 SOHP recommendations.
- Webinars/events on the theme of professionnalisation
- Advocacy activities on the question of professionnalisation (participation in conferences/articles …)
- Publication of a 2nd edition of the SOHP report in 2024
We are at present looking for support in order to be able to dedicate appropriate resources to carry out these activities.
In the meantime, we will be publishing a monthly SOHP Newsletter focussing each time on a relevant professionalisation initiative or an experience of how the results of the SOHP study are being taken into consideration by various organisations.
Rory Downham, director of Learning & Development, Bioforce
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THE PROFESSIONALISATION OF HUMANITARIAN ACTION: A WORK STILL IN PROGRESS Read our article on the SOHP Study in the latest issue of the “Alternatives Humanitaires” Review For a long time, the humanitarian sector has claimed its complete “professionalisation”. However, a recent study conducted by Bioforce puts this plaudit into perspective. Rory Downham, who led it, reviews the conclusions of this participatory work which calls into question a few certainties as well as opening up avenues for improvement.
DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT Analysis and synthesis of interviews of key informants, survey, 11 local workshops in 10 countries, additional study on the impact of covid-19 on humanitarian professions, and recommendations from the conference on professionalisation in the humanitarian sector.